- Policy Analysis
- Policy Notes 18
Between Not-In and All-In: U.S. Military Options in Syria

In light of the inability of diplomacy and sanctions to staunch the Syrian bloodletting, the Obama administration is reviewing its policy alternatives in Syria. This paper, and the associated briefing, provides an overview of U.S. military options, evaluating the pros and cons of each.
In Policy Note 18, Washington Institute military fellows Chandler Atwood, Josh Burgess, Michael Eisenstadt, and Joseph Wawro address specific military steps that can help prevent worst-case scenarios from materializing. An accompanying PowerPoint briefing elaborates on options described in the text.
Maj Chandler P. Atwood (USAF) is a senior intelligence officer who has deployed and participated in Operations Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom, Noble Eagle, Southern Watch, and Northern Watch.
Col Joshua Burgess (USAF) is a political affairs strategist with extensive special-operations and security-cooperation experience in Africa, Latin America, Europe, and Central Asia, and is a linguist in German, Spanish, French, and Dari.
Lt Col Michael Eisenstadt (USAR, ret.) is director of the Military and Security Studies program at The Washington Institute.
Col Joseph D. Wawro (USA) holds a master’s degree in national security and policymaking from the Naval War College and was deployed most recently to Iraq as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom and to Afghanistan in 2010.